Advantages of Buying a Property

Owning your own property is normally very high up on the list of things people want to achieve in their life. However, depending on your financial goals and what stage of life you’re at, what you hope to achieve with property will likely differ quite considerably.

For first home buyers, the biggest question is usually whether to rent or buy ?

Advantages of Buying

Cost effective

In most cases, it is more affordable to buy than rent. If you’re living in an area where you can pay less on your mortgage than you would renting, then the incentive is certainly there to go out and buy.


The most obvious advantage of buying a property is that you own it and benefit from the capital gain on the property, should its value increase. However, you also have to pay all the costs such as council and water rates and ongoing maintenance.

You Own It

When you own a property, you get to do anything you want to it. A common complaint from renters is that they aren’t even allowed to put up a picture hook. That’s not an issue if you buy a house.

Secure Mortgage & Finance ensures that you get the best deal that suits your personal and financial situation. We know what loan product works for you and what you should be paying and how often. We are here to assist in the best possible manner and help you secure your dreams!!

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